I use an Autonomous SmartDesk Pro with a Herman Miller Aeron Chair, size B.
I currently use a 2020 13″ MacBook Pro M1 with 16 GB memory and 1 TB SSD.
I use PhpStorm as my main editor to develop with WordPress. My configuration:
- Disable all bars:
- View -> Appearance.
- Theme:
- Font. Preferences -> Editor -> Font.
- Fira Code.
- Size: 16.0.
- Line height: 1.2.
- Without ligatures.
- 4096 MB (Maximum Heap Size).
I use these plugins:
- .env files support. .env files support for PhpStorm.
- AsciiDoc. Helps to edit AsciiDoc documents.
- CodeGlance Pro. Displays a zoomed out overview or minimap.
- GitHub Copilot. Provides autocomplete-style suggestions from an AI pair programmer.
- Nord. The theme I use.
- PHP Annotations. Extends PhpStorm to support annotations in DocBlocks and provide additional Attributes features.
These are the main shortcuts I use (under construction):
- ⌘ + 1. Show/hide project window.
- ⌘ + 7. Show/hide structure window.
- ⌘ + 9. Show/hide version control window.
- ⌥ + F12. Show/hide terminal window.
- ^ + ⌘ + F. Enter/exit full screen mode.
- ⌘ + D. Duplicate current line.
- ⌘ + ⌫. Delete current line.
- ⌘ + L. Go to a line.
- ⌥ + ⌘ + L. Reformat the code.
Visual Studio Code
I use Visual Studio Code to translate .po files and to write Markdown and AsciiDoc. I use:
- AsciiDoc. Provides rich language support for AsciiDoc.
- English Support for LanguageToolPreview. Provides language support for English in when using LanguageTool for Visual Studio Code.
- gettext. Gettext PO files language support for Visual Studio Code.
- JSON formatter. Convert file to file type JSON and format content.
- LanguageTool for Visual Studio Code. Provides offline grammar checking.
- Markdown All in One. All you need to write Markdown.
- Nord theme. The theme I use.
- PHP Intelephense. PHP code intelligence.
- Prettier – Code formatter. An opinionated code formatter.
- Spell Right. Multilingual, Offline and Lightweight Spellchecker for Visual Studio Code.
Use iTerm2 with Zsh, Oh My Zsh, the Powerlevel10k theme and the MesloMGS NF font.
Some improvements:
- Delta as diff tool.
- autojump – a faster way to navigate your filesystem.
Desktop Apps
- AltTab. Windows alt-tab on macOS.
- Dash gives your Mac instant offline access to 200+ API documentation sets.
- Maccy. Clipboard manager.
- Rectangle. Move and resize windows on macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas.
- Stats. System monitor in your menu bar.